Anime Hot Resort is an immersive adult visual novel set in a luxurious tropical resort, where beloved anime characters converge for the vacation of a lifetime. As the newest staff member at this exclusive hideaway, youâll find yourself surrounded by familiar faces in unusual situations. Your task? To charm, flirt, and explore intimate encounters with these iconic characters, all while enjoying the resortâs scenic beauty and relaxing vibes. Dive into the resort now, and let the seduction begin!
Anime Hot Resort is an immersive adult visual novel set in a luxurious tropical resort, where beloved anime characters converge for the vacation of a lifetime. As the newest staff member at this exclusive hideaway, youâll find yourself surrounded by familiar faces in unusual situations. Your task? To charm, flirt, and explore intimate encounters with these iconic characters, all while enjoying the resortâs scenic beauty and relaxing vibes. Dive into the resort now, and let the seduction begin!
Thread Updated: 2024-12-05
Release Date: 2024-11-15
Developer: Naughty Narratives – Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.3 Public
OS: Android
Language: English
-Added new character, Yaoyorozu.
-Added 5 scenes to Yaoyorozu.
-Added new character, Yor.
-Added 5 scenes to Yor.
-Added Hand Job scene to Nami.
-Added Tit Job scene to Hinata.
-Added Missionary scene to Nobara.
-Added Missionary scene to Shinobu.
-Added Missionary scene to Bulma.
-Fixed Cupcake bug.
-Fixed buying.
-Improved old Nami Titjob scene.
-Small improvements to UI.