Harem Secret is the story of a young man’s intense journey, where desire and ambition intertwine. In a world full of allure, he is determined to win the hearts of every woman around him, driven by a longing that goes beyond mere attraction.
Harem Secret is the story of a young man’s intense journey, where desire and ambition intertwine. In a world full of allure, he is determined to win the hearts of every woman around him, driven by a longing that goes beyond mere attraction.
Thread Updated: 2025-01-03
Release Date: 2024-11-19
Developer: Akihiru Harem – Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 2.2
OS: Android
Language: English
- Added 3+ Waifu
- Added 3+ H-Scene
- Added 10+ New Event
- Fixed bug in gallery
- Added Translation: English, China, French, German, Indonesian, Japan, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Thailand, Turkish, Vietnamese
- FIxing bug in VIP
- Added a lot of things