Tennis Ace
The story takes place in Japan, revolving around Yuuichi Michimiya (the name can be altered in-game), an 18-year-old star in Japan’s Junior Tennis division who has been in a very long slump. Now, on his last year as a High School Student, he sets out his sights towards becoming Japan’s #1 Junior player before finally fulfilling his dream of going pro.
The story takes place in Japan, revolving around Yuuichi Michimiya (the name can be altered in-game), an 18-year-old star in Japan’s Junior Tennis division who has been in a very long slump. Now, on his last year as a High School Student, he sets out his sights towards becoming Japan’s #1 Junior player before finally fulfilling his dream of going pro.
Thread Updated: 2024-06-07
Release Date: 2024-06-01
Developer: WOTB Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.68
OS: Android
Language: English
- Day 41 added for Jun
- New outfit for Jun’s sprite