Raphael, a humble peasant from the peaceful village of “Village of Peace”, located about 50km from the kingdom’s capital, lives a simple life as a hunter and occasionally ventures out on missions using his sword. However, his peaceful routine is abruptly interrupted when the village is threatened by a band of goblins, changing Raphael’s fate forever.
Raphael, a humble peasant from the peaceful village of “Village of Peace”, located about 50km from the kingdom’s capital, lives a simple life as a hunter and occasionally ventures out on missions using his sword. However, his peaceful routine is abruptly interrupted when the village is threatened by a band of goblins, changing Raphael’s fate forever.
Thread Updated: 2024-08-24
Release Date: 2024-08-20
Developer:MR.GDK – Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.1
OS: Android
Language: Portuguese, English
Initital Release